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Monday, September 27, 2010

Jokarvin plays hide and seek!

This morning, as we went about our usual daily routine, Jokarvin hid in the oven. "Right everyone, lets go outside!" I said. Amanda told me we couldn't go because not everyone had come out of the non-mobile area. She had noticed Jokarvin go in the oven. So we played along!

"Lets go out now!" we all said and pretended to leave the area.

"Where's Jokarvin?" we asked out loud.

Then we heard "Jovarkin hiding!" Amanda and I laughed, especially when we saw Jokarvin's eyes peeping through the little hole on the side of the oven.

We carried on playing the game, "Where is Jokarvin? I can't find him!!!" Then Jokarvin popped out of the oven!

Jokarvin is taking responsibility for his own learning by planning his own activities and finding his own resources and equipment. He is having fun with others and inviting us into is play, awesome!!!

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