We have been collecting vegetables for our soup day! Bex and Kirsty bought in their slowcookers and Amanda bought in her stock pot so we decided we could make 3 soups; a pumpkin soup, a minestrone soup and a vegetable soup. This afternoon we started to prepare the vegetables and the children were able to help us! Hannah, Charlie, Logan, Callan and Lilly all had a butter knife each and they had a try at cutting the celery. Now this is a very difficult skill for the children to master but they gave it a really good go and I am sure we will have more practice soon. We can't wait until tomorrow when we make our bread rolls and taste our yummy soup!
We are so excited because we finally have our new worms for our worm cafe!
We took the bag down to their new home and Bex opened the bag. We were very curious so took the opportunity to have a really good look at the worms!
Bex broke up the dirt and we saw heaps of worms! She did try to find some egg casings for us to see but we couldn't find any.
Louise has been feeding the worms daily with the food scraps from our lunches so hopefully we will have lots of 'liquid gold' to put on our gardens so our vegetables grow big and delicious!
Today it was raining! What can we do? We made gloop and we had a messy morning! The children loved running their fingers through the gloop and picking it up! Lily was really good at catching the gloop in her hands and Elizabeth loved to use her finger and push through the gloop.
Amanda then put some glitter in it and Callan, Libby and Hannah tried to pick up the glitter.
They had so much fun this morning, aren't we lucky this activity isn't limited to wet weather!!!!