This morning Sandy, Jemma and I took, Elizabeth, Libby, Callan, Scarlett, Paige and Logan for a walk. We went down to visit the Tuis and Pukekos and wish them a Merry Xmas. The children were lucky as they were offered a second morning tea. We went out to play in the Tui playground and saw a few of our old friends like William and Lily, Noah and James and Amelia and Oisin. We were going to help sing Christmas Carols through town but instead we decided to look at the decorations around town and make a move back home for lunch. We saw a very tall Christmas tree and decorations of Santa and reindeer. It was so nice to get out and about and see the Christmas spirit in the community.
It was really exciting today when Paul turned up with a big object wrapped in a rug. What was it? It was the centre's mirror that the teachers had mosaiced on the Teachers Only Day 2011. It was a bit of decision on where to put it but we decided under the breakfast bar so when the children have finished eating their kai, they can look in the mirror to clean their faces and wash their hands. The teachers are so proud of their efforts and the children love to look at their handsome faces in the mirror.
We are really getting into the Christmas spirit at Village Kids - Te Mata Road. We have been making christmas decorations, baking, listening to christmas carols and taking photos with santa hats on!!!
Over the last few days the children have been loving being involved in shared art experiences!
We have been drawing with crayons, painting with different colour paints and then using dyes on the pictures.
Art experiences develop many things for our children. They learn spatial awareness by working close to others and helps with hand/eye co-ordination. They develop their imagination and learn about shape, colour, design, and a sense of enjoyment!
Libby picked up one of the cars and tried to roll it down the ramp. The car rolled and took a few pushes from Libby to get it all they way down to the bottom of the ramp. Callan and Bryn noticed Libby and her car and too thought they would roll cars down the ramp. This looked like fun so I went to the shed and got out some of our big buses and trucks for the children to use. Well what a frenzy! Everyone wanted to join in and have a turn. Ngakau, Scarlett, Logan, Greer, Bryn, Callan and Libby all had a blast rolling the trucks down the ramp and chasing after them all they way to the bottom of the ramp. It was a great experience for the children to develop and show patience, turn taking and sharing. Logan seemed to be learning about cause and effect as he pushed the cars to make them roll forward and backwards. He was more fascinated when he rolled the car down the ramp and it went faster and faster picking up speed and falling off the side disappearing into the grass. The most fun was learning the difference between fast and slow with our cars. What fun we had and maybe we will try rolling different objects down the ramp tomorrow.
After our sleeps, we put on some sunblock and our sunhats and down to the grass we went! The water trough had been filled up this morning, so the water was really warm!
After we had splashed in the water, Carolyn got some pipes and tied them to the railings. What was she going to do? Then we saw water coming through the pipes because Carolyn had put the hose in the pipe! Then the water turned green...its ok, it was only green dye that Carolyn put down the pipe too!
The children had a great time splashing in the water - and splashing each other! Can't wait for more warm weather so we can play some more in the water.