It was a beautiful morning and the children were ready for outside play after applying sunblock and putting on their hats. They headed outside and straight for the sandpit.
All the children were so involved in their own play that I could sit back and watch all the learning that was happening. I saw:
Stuart was controlling the hose, filling up his friends buckets and making the water squirt in many directions. It was great to see Stuart trying out and working on his theories of hoses and water.
Manaia was busy cooking with the play kitchen and the pots and pans. It was nice to see Manaia acting out experiences she would be involved in at home, and also entering into dramatic play. We also had Holly, Jack and Amelia making a right mess in the water trough. Together they added water from the hose Stuart was holding and sand from under their feet to make cold wet mud!! The children loved mixing it around and filling up the cake tins making mud pies. An excellent way to explore the properties and textures of water and sand.

The children were busy all morning and worked so well alongside each other. I hope that we can again turn on the hose in the sandpit this week and make some delicious mud pies again!!