What an amazing day of discovery and exploration in the world of insects today! It all began with Stuart's discovery of a little black beetle in the sandpit - we watched it as it moved, rolled onto it's back and crawled. Where was it going? What does it eat? Where does it live? Can it fly?
Soon Stu and Jay gathered their courage and were able to pick it up gently, letting it move across their hands and putting it near the fence. There was lots of discussion as they watched as it scuttled away under the fence - running to the other side of the garden to see if they could see it outside the Village Kids fence.
The bug-buzz continued throughout the morning and the children found ants, Steel Blue Ladybirds and spiders! We put these in the bug catchers so we could take a closer look... fascinating! I wonder how long this interest in tiny creatures will last??
Stu, Jay and Amelia were actively exploring the natural world (Strand 5, Te Whaariki), developing ideas about other living creatures and how to care for them. They used their observation skills to look at name the different parts of the beetles body, and to identify that all the insects except the slug have legs! They learned that spiders can be found near webs, and that webs can be found under ledges in the playground!!